How to make it a prosperous new year

2020 has left many of us with a financial hangover.  Even if we were fortunate enough to avoid coronavirus affecting our health, the lockdown may have seriously affected our wealth.

As individuals we may have been hit with furlough and worries about job security. As a country, we face an economy that has not yet recovered from a long lockdown, and prospects for entire business sectors looking less than rosy.

At Continuum, we believe that with the right financial planning, it could still be possible to make it a prosperous new year.

What is financial planning – and how can it help?

Many of us have had financial setbacks as a result of the downturn and are looking at ways to repair our fortunes.

We will never reach financial targets by luck, or even by exploiting opportunities when they turn up. Attempting to muddle through is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your finances. At Continuum, we believe the answer is a carefully costed plan, based on two things.

The first is your personal circumstances, and the income you have coming in.

The second is the objectives you have set yourself. You may want to buy a home, to build wealth and retire in comfort, for example.

Book a free consultation

At Continuum we call our service lifestyle financial planning, because it is based around your lifestyle. Find out more about it with a free initial discussion here.

We always take both factors into account to develop the plan that is right for you. It can contain investments, protection and a pension, with the products you need to deliver the kind of financial growth and security you want.

Now, at the start of 2021, many of us are being forced to take a fresh look at our financial plans.  Our incomes may be reduced for the immediate future. We may have had to eat into our cash reserves. The experience of lockdown may have prompted us to think about our loved ones. We may want to increase the financial protection we provide for them.

It could be time to look again at your financial plans to make sure they are still on track for the financial goals you have set yourself.

Getting your plans back on track

Continuum lifestyle financial planning always starts with an initial meeting with a Continuum adviser. This will let us get to know you and build up a picture of your current circumstances, your immediate financial needs and your long-term goals and priorities. You can see more about our services in our downloadable brochure.

Ours service is personal, because your circumstances and plans will always be unique to you. The solutions you need may be very different from those we arrange for other clients. What’s more, your goals will change as the years go by.  We will ensure that your plan can change with them.

Our next step is to create a roadmap which will help you to reach those goals.  We will put our recommendations into a personal report, with recommendations about the strategies you need to reach your financial goals, with costs and details of the products and investments you need.

Your advisor will go through each point, to give you a clear picture of the kind of financial future you could be enjoying. Only when you are completely happy will he or she take care of the paperwork and put the products in your plan to work for you.

Call us

The sooner you start planning your finances, the easier it can be to reach your goals. We can start with a video consultation. Call us now to arrange it.

Start by rebuilding your wealth

If your finances have suffered in the last year, your first priority may be to start rebuilding your wealth, and as the world and the markets recover from Covid, there could be many opportunities to do just that. Our investment expertise can go to work for you.

We can start by working to make 2021 a prosperous new year for you. But we don’t want to stop there. Continuum lifestyle financial planning means building a long-term relationship and having a financial expert to call on to help you make the most of your money and your life


The information contained in this article is based on the opinion of Continuum and does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to suitable Protection products or investment or Retirement strategy, you should seek independent financial advice before embarking on any course of action.

The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you invested.

A pension is a long term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available. Pension income could also be affected by interest rates at the time benefits are taken.