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    I need some help with

    What kind of assets do you own?


    Type of investments required

    General Investment Account (GIA)Stocks and Shares ISABondsSpecialist InvestmentsOther

    Amount to invest

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Type of savings required

    Cash AccountsLump SumSavings AccountsOther

    Savings amount to invest

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Type of pensions required

    PersonalWorkplaceDefined ContributionIncome DrawdownSIPPOther

    Pensions amount to invest

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    In particular I’d like advice on

    Buy My First HomeNew MortgageRemortgageBuy to letEquity release

    In particular I’d like advice on

    Mortgage ProtectionTerm ProtectionWhole Of Life InsuranceCritical Illness

    Single or Joint application


    Level of cover required

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Term required

    10 years15 years20 years25 years30 years

    Found a property


    Your property value

    Deposit savings

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Buyers income

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Remaining mortgage

    £0£50k or less£51k-£100k£101k-£200k£201k-£500k£500+

    What size mortgage do you need?

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    What size remortgage do you need?

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Type of assets/ plans in place


    Value of present assets in place

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Type of Estate Planning / IHT


    Value of estate to discuss

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Value of assets to discuss

    £20k or less£21k-£50k£51k-£100k£101k-£150k£151k-£250k£251k-£500k£501k-£1m£1m+

    Any additional comments

    Your Information