All posts tagged: savings

cash isa or savings plan

Cash ISA or savings plan?

With the tax year ending on April 5th many people are still wondering about the best way to use their ISA allowance.
Large scale investors may have no such worries and might happily invest £20,000 in their ISAs this tax year, to be followed by another £20,000 in the 2019/20 tax year.

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ISA allowance

Why you should use your ISA allowance early

The 2018/19 tax year is almost over, but there is still time, if you have not done so already, to invest your £20,000 ISA allowance.
It’s better late than never. But waiting until the end of the tax year before you use your ISA allowance is not a good idea.
We look at how you can start making the most of your ISA entitlement in in 2019/20.

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start saving young

Start saving young

Many children will have received gifts of money at Christmas, from relatives who despair of keeping up with the latest pre-teens trends.
Rather than leaving the cash in the envelope, it makes sense to use it to for something that could go on working for them for the whole of their lives – the habit of saving.

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