Top tips to make social distancing easier

Few of us had heard the phrase “social distancing” at the beginning of the year. But now, maintaining safe, hygienic spaces that help limit the spread of the coronavirus has become a responsibility we all share.
As part of our commitment to our clients we have some top tips to make social distancing a little less isolating.
1. Set yourself a schedule
As part of our service for newly retired clients we often recommend setting a schedule that will give some structure to your day.
So, even if your sudden absence from the workplace is temporary, it can help to follow the same advice. Try and avoid simply sitting and watching the TV or going on the internet. Instead, plan your day, include a range of activities, all those things you meant to do and never quite got around to, and try and keep everyone busy. Having something to do helps avoid the tensions that are inevitable when families are all cooped up together. Take a little bit longer on each activity and you will find that your satisfaction and energy levels increase.
Be sure to include a schedule for your children if they are at home – and will they need help with their schoolwork?
Book a free consultation
Why not include a review of your financial plans within your schedule? You can start with our free financial health check here.
2. Get outside
The fresh air can work wonders. A garden can be a valuable and fulfilling release and focus, but you’re allowed to walk, jog, or bike through your local streets or park. Just remember to keep a six-foot distance between you and other people and avoid touching surfaces like fences or playground gates or equipment.
3. Do some social networking
Being confined to your home means missing out on all the usual social activities which we only realise are so important when we suddenly can’t do them. But if you can’t meet up for a coffee and a chat, the next best thing is to use social media. Services like FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and GotoMeeting can host video chats, and you can even arrange group sessions. Arranging your family daily catch-ups or weekend quizzes are great at releasing that sense of confinement.
So keep up with family and friends across the country – and if you have older relatives who have not yet discovered the possibility of the internet for keeping in touch, it could be the ideal time to help them start.
There are emails, blog posts, and podcasts relating to all your hobbies and interests. Gyms and yoga studios are organising online exercise groups. You could take a little time to discover what is available – and you could even find yourself making some new online friends.
Be sure to follow our social media accounts for all of our latest news articles:
4. A good time to reflect on your financial plans and build even more confidence in your future
Everyone is facing severe disruptions to their financial arrangements as a result of the emergency, but that does not mean your financial plans need to be put on hold. In fact, it could be the ideal opportunity to take the time to look at them, and ensure that they really meet your needs in the new circumstances we all find ourselves in.
We have several resources that could help. Our education centre can help you keep up with the latest news and developments from the world of finance – you can visit our news centre here.
By making the time to review your financial plans, you may find some of them have taken a knock with recent events on the markets as a result of the coronavirus. You can get your financial knowledge up to speed with our online guides.
Call us
If your financial plans need to be updated because of the crisis, call us at Continuum. We will arrange a virtual meeting with one of our experts.
The information contained in this article is based on the opinion of Continuum and does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to suitable investment strategy, you should seek independent financial advice before embarking on any course of action.
The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you invested.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
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Book an initial consultation with one of our independent financial advisers or call us on 0345 643 0770 if you would like to discuss further.
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