All posts tagged: COVID-19

Will coronavirus affect my pension?

There have been some important lifelines, from the Bank of England’s decision to reduce its Bank Rate to a record low of 0.1% to the Government’s decision to support the income of those forced to stay at home. At Continuum we know that there are many measures that you can take to reduce the impact of situations out of your control, including implementing a careful strategy to suit the current climate. Find out what impact the Coronavirus could have on your finances today.

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Coronavirus and house prices

With the Coronavirus affecting every aspect of life in the UK, and many investment portfolios experiencing extreme volatility, many people are now asking what the effect will be on the property market. With interest rates at an all time low, could there be opportunities to take advantage of?

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Top tips to make social distancing easier

Few of us had heard the phrase “social distancing” at the beginning of the year. But now, maintaining safe, hygienic spaces that help limit the spread of the coronavirus has become a responsibility we all share. As part of our commitment to our clients we have some top tips to make social distancing a little less isolating.

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Is now a good time to invest?

Quite aside from the social impact, the Coronavirus pandemic is causing economic strains worldwide. As cities, factories and people go under lockdown this has resulted in stock market volatility. We know that markets can create opportunities as well as losses, and we can help you use them to potentially build, or rebuild, your wealth.

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