All posts tagged: brexit

german economy

Is the German economy running out of steam

In the UK, we have grown rather used to the idea that the German economy is the largest in Europe, and that it enjoys not just success, but sustained growth.
We have also become accustomed to the habit of thinking that the German automotive industry leads the world in quality engineering.
Both these notions have taken something of a knock just lately.

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no deal

Brexit – where are we now?

Two and a half years after Britain voted to leave the EU, Mrs May presented the draft withdrawal agreement drawn up by British and European negotiators to her cabinet last week.
The series of ministerial resignations began on the day after.
Many observers believe the deal will not get through parliament, leading either in a challenge to May’s leadership, a general election, or even a second referendum.
We look at what is going on – and what it might all mean.

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